The Transparency Act shall promote companies' respect for basic human rights and decent working conditions, and ensure the public's access to information.
Being covered by the law, Maur Bilpåbygg AS is required to carry out risk and due diligence assessments in our value chain. The law also means that we must be able to give the general public access to information about these conditions, either through direct questions or in our annual report.
Maur Bilpåbygg AS’ suppliers, business and collaboration partners are central to carrying out our business. Our business relationships are based on trust and transparency, and that suppliers share our attitude to ethics and compliance with laws. Our suppliers and contractual partners must respect basic requirements for human rights and employee rights.
We work with due diligence assessments in line with the Transparency Act. The mapping of our suppliers and their value chains is an ongoing process, where we continuously work to uncover potential risk, clarify whether it is real and, if necessary, work to reduce or remove possible damage.
Questions regarding our compliance with the Transparency Act can be directed to
Responsible for the Transparency Act in Maur Bilpåbygg AS
Gunnar Hagen